Exciting News for the New Year!
Exciting new news for the new year!
New website, new specials, new online programs, new beginnings!
BLESSINGS & GREETINGS IN THE NEW YEAR: I hope your holidays have been merry and bright. I know I know, this time of year can be a mixed bag of stocking stuffers. That's why I've waited for the flying wrapping paper to settle to share some special announcements with you. I am THRILLED to send out some amazing free gifts on my NEW WEBSITE, now that the holidays are over and you have time to enjoy them! I have been birthing this vision of a new online learning system and community-based networking platform for AYRx for over a year now. It has been to date the greatest work I've ever put together in one place. What an incredible labor of love, and I'm overjoyed to share it with you.
For the month of January, I am offering a bunch of FREE GIFTS. I've been birthing this vision for over a year now, and I'm beyond thrilled to introduce you to this bundle of joy for 2017. This new membership, community based site has lots of goodies to choose from.

*Interactive Body Model *Videos Downloads *Online Certification Course
*Online Training Programs *Teacher & Location Directory *Discussion Forum
*Community Networking *Affiliate Program *Calendar of Events
*Free Membership with lots of gifts and goodies
Practice from home
Take this course from anywhere, at anytime, from the comfort of your own home.
All levels
This practice is suitable for beginners and experienced alike.
Optimal Health
Learn 55 therapeutic & restorative "Yoga Translations" to open, align, and release the spine.
Jen Healy
60 Liberty Ship Way, Sausalito, CA