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You seriously don't want to miss this...

I am using this cyber sale business as a day of deep appreciation. I decided to send out this love note to say I'm grateful for... YOU!! Let us remember to give thanks today, and all days. It is a very powerful practice. #makeitgolden is my new motto;) Also, remember with all the Holiday hub-bub, to take a moment and breathe deep. Let in all the love and blessings that are flowing to you.

My way of saying THANK YOU ...

Enjoy an extra 10% off everything for your holiday shopping.

**Use coupon code AYRX10

Let's have a quick heart-to-heart about all this busi-ness.

The truth is I'm not a sales person, or a marketing person. I don't have a team of advertisers promoting my work nor I am willing to put myself deep in debt to do so. I have single handedly funded and invested in my creations.

I'm an engineer at heart, and I love to create. But I don't love to sell. I'm sure a lot of my artist friends and designers feel the same way.

What brings me alive is seeing you thrive! I love creating programs, projects, and products that improve the quality of your life and, most of all, bring more joy.

**Our wealth is defined by our well-th**

With that said, everything I do is designed and inspired to bring more optimal radiant health into the lives of others.

I don't jack up my prices. I have very small margins on my products, and I create them as "passion projects" instead of big money makers. I do everything I can to keep our economy thriving locally. This means I pay top dollar to ensure high quality and superior service.

So, for this holiday sale, when I offer an extra 10% off, in addition to the 20% discount happening until the end of November, these items are being sold at cost! These prices are the lowest they will ever go, and I want to offer you these extra special savings as a thank you for believing in me and seeing the value in what I create.

Like me, I know you are getting 100's of emails in your inbox these days with all kinds of sales, and I appreciate the time you are taking to read this message. I hope these extra discounts offer you the opportunity to go for it and get that special item you've been hoping for... and still keep a few dollars in your pocket ;)

Also, as a gift, I always offer something for free. This month my early xmas present to you is the meditation course: 64 Core Activation Meditation Techniques.

Check it out with a free 30 day trial. I'm sure you will love it.

My latest newsletter has all the details...

Much love & appreciation,

Jen Healy

Founder of Zen Healyng, AerialYogaRx, AerialYogaPlay, and AYRx Yoga Swings


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